Frequent Questions

Below we have identified the most frequently asked questions about the Prémio Sonae Educação.
These answers are not a substitute for reading the Regulamento, which should be consulted before submitting your application.
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, contacte-nos.

Projects that promote innovative educational approaches and that, through education, qualification or retraining, contribute to mitigating factors of inequality or exclusion. Ideas with potential impact can be submitted alongside proven projects, seeking funding for their scale, replication or continuity.

For a project to be considered innovative, it must introduce novelty in one or more of the following dimensions:
• Topic covered: The topic must be relevant to society and not yet have been widely explored.
• Methodology adopted: The method and technique adopted must differ from traditional approaches.
• Form of implementation: The implementation must have differentiating factors and be able to be adopted and replicated in different educational contexts.
• Target audience: The recipient of the project must be specific and not already covered by similar projects. Through these attributes, it is hoped that the project will make unique and significant contributions, demonstrating a differentiation from conventional approaches in education.

The Prémio Sonae Educação is aimed at supporting projects promoted by any type of organisation, whether for profit or not, of a public or private nature, including public schools.

Individual persons.

Each organisation can submit one or more projects, as long as they meet the objectives of the Prize, but only one project can be awarded.

At the application stage, only the form available at this link should be filled in. No additional information should be sent, nor should documents or links be submitted, as they will not be taken into account when assessing the application.

Three general criteria will be taken into account when assessing applications: alignment with the Prize's objectives (promoting education through innovative approaches or tools as a contribution to a more inclusive, empowered and resilient society); focus on impact (effective changes, creating opportunities in the field of education, qualification or retraining for beneficiaries in situations of inequality and exclusion); added value of the Prize (being able to clearly identify how its application will have consequences in terms of the results and impacts to be achieved). Applications with effective partnerships and other sources of funding will also be favoured.

Completion of the application form: 2 May 2024 and 30 June 2024
Announcement of the short list of finalists: by 9 September 2024
Submission of additional information by short-listed candidates: by 27 September 2024
Presentation of short-listed projects to the Jury (in pitch / interview format): 10 October 2024
Announcement of winners: at and at by 15 November 2024.

The Prémio Sonae Educação provides a total amount of up to €150,000.00, to be distributed among 3 or more projects, with the amount allocated to each project not exceeding €50,000.00.

In the project budget to be submitted as an application, it must be clear how the value of the Prize (a maximum of €50,000.00) will be used to help the project achieve its objectives.

The Prémio Sonae Educação will not provide individualised feedback or information on the reasons for excluding non-finalist projects, given the volume of applications received.

Non-financial support will be determined according to each winning project, in a protocol to be signed between the applicant organisation and Sonae, in accordance with the planned activities and the project's objectives. The follow-up period should last for a minimum of 12 months after the award of the Prize, and may include the integration of volunteers, the development of mentoring processes or others adjusted to the objectives of each project.